All in good times..

Ecc 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.

Indeed, for each and everyone of us there is a time for every activity to take place. For each and every individual there is a time set apart for the purposes of God to take place. Unfortunately, as human beings we tend to get frustrated when our plans do not unfold as we’ve planed. 

Since most of us are taught to plan for the future, plan when we are going to complete our degrees, when we are going to start work, when we are going to buy cars and even plan when we are going to get married. We assume that all will work out as we’ve planned. Until we find ourselves unemployed after finishing our degrees on time, struggling to start a business or struggling to get a life partner. Then we start assuming that maybe our lives are doomed, we start comparing our lives with those of our peers. 

We start asking questions like “why me?”,  and assume that maybe we are not good enough or not meant to have good things. Eventually we start to invite the very same bad luck into our lives. Things turn our for the worst because of the self fulfilling prophecy. We start pertying our selfs and everything is about us and never about God. Little do we know that no matter how much we plan as people, at the end it’s God’s will that prevails. We hardly keep in mind as people that when God is blessing others with jobs he is blessing others with houses, when his blessing others with life partners his busy blessing others with emotional healing, peace, spiritual growth etc..

God cannot be blessing all of us with the same thing at the same time. Instead he knows what we need at a certain time and he provides us with it. He knows that as much as we need jobs we need peace even more. God knows each and everyone of us and he will never provide what we need at a wrong time. He is the God of time and because we’ve all been called for different purposes, he will provide according to how he has called us not according to how we want things to be done. Patience and persistence in prayer will keep us at peace with with God as we wait for his will to be done in our lives. 

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